Do you want to know the secret to better photography?
I've written an e-book to answer that very question, and have you taking better photographs just as soon as you apply my easy-to-follow process. Read on for more details...

The Video Training Version is available now!
Discover Your Inner Photographer
& Transform Your Mindset Video Series
If you want to learn how to level up your photography, there's no better way than meeting me in person ;)
The next best thing is to watch my new video training course!
It's broken down into 5 chapters, with a bunch of training videos inside each chapter. The videos are a maximum of 5 minutes long, so it's easy to keep focused on each topic, and to follow along at your own pace.
With that said, there is lots of content - almost 10 hours worth of videos!
There are currently 4 editions of my new E-Book, depending on your needs:

Camera Edition
This edition is perfect for dSLR and Mirrorless Camera Users. This book covers:
How our human nature affects our thinking, what limits us, and how to break through to making better photos.
Great tips on Composition, Color, and Form.
My simplified process of How to use your camera to get great results, every time.
This book will challenge your thought process, and massively improve your photography!

How-To Guide
Want to know how to take photos of the stars, or learn about long exposure photography? Perhaps you enjoy photographing flowers close-up, or want that perfect bird photo. Maybe you have always wanted to get more out of your camera, but never knew where to start?
This step-by-step instructional guide will help you with more than 40 different types of photography, plus tips on filters and how to use them, and some pratcical tips on camera gear and digital management.
All in an easy-to-follow format. Get your copy now!

Phone Edition
The Phone Edition is perfect for Camera-Phone Users. This book covers:
How our human nature affects our thinking, what limits us, and how to break through to making better photos.
Great tips on Composition, Color, and Form.
A separate section dedicated to Camera Phone Users. It covers the basic and more advanced functions available on your iPhone or Android advice.

Lite Edition
If you want to learn about just the first 2 parts of my book, without all the technical camera stuff, then this is the perfect book for you!
This book covers:
How our human nature affects our thinking, what limits us, and how to break through to making better photos.
Great tips on Composition, Color, and Form.

Extra Services
Online Adobe Lightroom Training
Learn the basics of how to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
4 x 1 hour training sessions which covers:
How lightroom works
The menu structure and important tools
How to Import your photos
How to manage and use the Library
How to do basic editing to make your photos look fantastic.
Book your session today!
We have many services to offer;
Get in touch if you want to learn more.

About the author
Olaf Reinen has been a professional photographer since he was 17 years old. He honed his skills in weddings and portraits, and then went on to become involved in photographing cats and dogs, and then wild animals.
From there his Photography adventures continued with more weddings and portraits, and also commercial Photography. During this time, he also began to study many aspects of psychology, philosophy, human development, and personality profiling, amongst others.
For the past 10 years Olaf has taught Photography Day Tours in various parts of the world, including Greece, Spain, New Zealand, and Dubai. This is where he developed his philosophy on Photography, based on his observation on how people behave naturally, and where they can improve their knowledge and skills.
Through this experience, based on his vast Photography knowledge and love of observing human nature, the idea for this book was born. The hope is to help people learn about themselves and about their photography, so that they can become better at creating the photos they really desire to create.
When he is not living and breathing Photography, you will find Olaf in his home country of Holland, most likely taking photo tours on the streets of Amsterdam.