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Am I right..?

The number of times i have had to lie down on hot sand, wet grass, or mud. Or kneel on gravel or cement, or trek up steep mountains, or...

Don't Panic!

When it's all going wrong and your photos aren't turning out how you want: Don't Panic! Just hit the reset button and try again. We are...


While it's possible to add a fake starburst effect to your photos, I prefer to create real ones. It's not too difficult once you know...

Work the scene

On a perfectly calm spring day, I just had to stop and take some photos here. Here is the first of a series of shots I took. If it's a...

Be Intentional

One of the ideas I teach is that if we want to take truly great photographs, we need to be #intentional. It will really help in your...

Splitting Image

Sometimes splitting your image using color or shapes can add strength to your story. Here, a gray cat against a white background is the...

A Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek at what part 1 of my eBook looks like... There are 423 action-packed pages in this book!! #discoveryourinnerphotograp...


Balancing the elements using color and shapes can be a great way to add strength to your storytelling. #discoveryourinnerphotographer...


Sunset silhouette of an Oryx in the desert. I had to lie on the ground to get his shape against the sky. Worth it I think. And eventually...

Engage Your Senses

Always! #discoveryourinnerphotographer #transformyourmindset #engageyoursenses #ebook #ebooklover #learnphotography #learnathome #teach...

Street Photography

I love street photography! It's a great way to practice speeding up your photography skills. And it can be a lot of fun, like at a street...


Diagonal lines are a composition tool that can really make a photo more powerful. I have more to say about this in the #composition...


Who doesn't love a good fireworks show? Even better if you can get great photos of it, right? Learn all about it in my new How-To Guide,...

Blog: Blog2
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